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Name: Jaydahbee From: NJ E-mail: Contact |
Thanks for the intel guide on COD MW2. Great job!
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Name: William Chen From: Australia E-mail: Contact |
Thank you for much for your walkthrough on FFVII: I've played this classic for the first time, on and off for around 3 years, but when I did, I always referred to your guide, in order to get the most complete experience of the game. Thank you again, and I hope you continue to assist the gaming world with your guides!
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Name: nick From: london uk E-mail: Contact |
thanks dude for the great walk through
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Name: David O From: London, UK E-mail: Contact |
Private post. Click to view.
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Name: Jimmy From: Noo Zeiland E-mail: Contact |
Brilliant bro, absolutely brilliant. I still got stuck a couple of times for a few minutes but if you had included the necessary info to get past those points it would of been an overload. in particular on uncharted two it took me a while to figure out that I needed to jump up to a platform to move some symbols around. It was a great guide and I thank god that there are people like you around to produce them. hugs and kisses mate, hugs and kisses.
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Name: Curtis Hill From: Ontario, Canada E-mail: Contact |
Hey! You did some highly impressive work with your guides. I'm highly familiar with the ones for FF7 and FF8. Both amazingly thorough, and well done. I've noticed quite a few minor errors mainly in grammar usage and spelling but very well done. I could possibly do an edit... Just wanted to say thanks a ton and keep at it man! (Still can't get the Parasol/Umbrella at the Speed Square, though I kinda gave up fast lol). Peace & Cheers
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Name: wutdaheckman From: nyc E-mail: Contact |
couldnt find where to send comments/crits so here are some for your Uncharted 2 guide: **Correction** the puzzle at the beginning of [WLK-24] THE ROAD TO SHAMBHALA you state the daggers need to be pointing upward. upward for a knife would be with the blade pointing to the sky, but after doing that for the puzzle nothign was solved and i had to rotate the knifes pointing downward. (handles on top) **Correction** you state for treasure 101 that it is 3 flights of steps up. i had to go up 5 i believe. **End Boss Strategy** you say nades really arent too useful unless you're feeling lucky. which is true. but i learned that the nades would come in handy when i would drop them at my feet right by a sap deposit and continue to run on. this gave the lavaravich time to catch up to the soon to be explosion. One of the better spots to do this is (running counter clockwise) the sap deposit on the inner left, right before you wrun up on to the large fallen tree bridge ( that has a sap deposit halfway on it as well) cheers Tyler
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Name: Raury From: UK |
Thanks for the modern warfare 2 intel list, really useful, much appreciated, thank you
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Name: jason From: United States E-mail: Contact |
Love your strategy guides stephan especially the final fantasy 7 & 8 Guides please continue doing such great work looking forward to more guides relevant to my gaming interest like bioshock 1 & 2 (PS3) =D
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Name: Kieran From: Ireland E-mail: Contact |
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