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Name: biLL From: southern california, usa E-mail: Contact |
the FAQ guide to Uncharted 2 was PHENOMENAL!!! The spoiler free aspect was handled masterfully, and i have to praise you (anyone else involved) infinitely for including a super convenient checklist for the treasures with the locations included, because it makes for the ultimate printout! thank you and keep up the good work! two thumbs up ~biLL d [^_^ ] b
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Name: Dave P From: New Jersey USA E-mail: Contact |
Great Guides Dude!!! I've used several. Most recently the Drakes Fortune 2....for the past 8 months. Thanks again.
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Name: M V From: US |
Awesome job on your guides! Thanks!
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Name: Remnant |
Much Thanks for the guide for FF Dissida, I plan on using it the next go-round (after I get through it on my own this time!) <G> I always miss most of the esoteric stuff unless I get it from you guys that live and breathe games.
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Name: Sophie Lenne From: USA E-mail: Contact |
i have a question. I am playing Final Fantasy 8 and am trying to get perfect game. In the beginning, Dollet mission, i turned the anacoundar into a card using quezacotl's card move instead of defeating it. will i still get a perfect game? btw i love ur guides thanks so much for making them!
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Name: Patricia From: Florida E-mail: Contact |
:D Wanted to let you know that with your awesome guide I finally (after having it for like...11 years.) beat FF8! xD Sounds rather sad that it took me so long >_> But hey, Anyways :3 thankies for the guide.
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Name: yogiebere From: Seattle E-mail: Contact |
Hey just wanted to say I really enjoy your guides, and they give me almost everything I could want in one (especially that theyre free!) I used your guide almost religiously for my second playthrough of fallout 3 (I try not to become dependent on guides too early on) and now I'm excited to use your guide for Fallout New Vegas when my copy arrives Thanks for all the hard work!
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Name: Pidge From: USA E-mail: Contact |
Hey Steve, thanks so much for the great work you did on your Uncharted 2 walkthrough. Incredibly helpful and thoroughly entertaining! Also, you recieved a compliment from my dad, who watched me play over Thanksgiving break and knows nothing about video games. I told him somebody wrote up the guide I was using, and he said "Man, that's super impressive" when he looked at it.
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Name: Ron From: Va E-mail: Contact |
Just wanted to say thanks and nice job on your Fallout3 walkthrough. I used it extensively during my many hours of play. Looking forward to your completed Fallout NV. I have discovered another "infinite caps" in the the new vegas game. So far I haven't seen any mention of it at any of the game sites. Should you be interested, contact me and I will be glad to give you what I have on it.
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