Great Pyramid
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Great Pyramid

Information about The Great Pyramid
Random Traps:Found inside the pyramid: You set off a TRAP!
There are 5 different traps:
  • You fall into a pit full of spikes for 10% of your total life.
  • Acid sprays from a nearby wall and burns you for 2% of your total life.
  • Spears shoot from a nearby wall and impale you for 1% of your total life.
  • Darts shoot from a nearby wall and strike you for .5% of your total life.
  • Parts of the ceiling fall on you for .66% of your total life.
  • Finding the Pyramid Base:First of all, have a Compass! Get one in the middle of the Maze. From the Mountain Entrance Teleport Spot, where the Park Ranger is, head: W, S, N, W, S, S,(SE x3),Consider for an East, E, Drink From Oasis, Consider for south, S, (SE x3),(SW x3), Consider for South, S, Drink, Consider for west, W, (NW x7), Consider for North, N, Drink, Consider South, S,(SW x3),(SE x3), Consider for South, S, Drink, Consider for North, N, (NE x2), (SE x2), Consider for South, head south. You are now standing on the Great Pyramid Base Spot.
    Entering the Pyramid:First of all, find the Pyramid Base. Use the previous step. The spot you are now on will be either a E/W spot or a N/S spot. Consider until you get the N/S spot. Click North. You will now be either:
    1)Back in the Desert. If this happens, click the back button on your browser to find the Pyramid Base again, and repeat the previous steps, OR find the Pyramid Base by yourself again.
    2)You are at a spot with East/West/South directions. Consider until you get a North direction also. Head north into the Pyramid.
    3)You are at a spot with East/West/South/North directions. Head north into the Pyramid.
    Pyramid Quick Direction Guide: Quick way to visit all important parts of the Pyramid:
    1) You did all the previous, and you should now see the Pyramid background. Head N, N, N, N, D, N, N, and the door will shut behind you.
    (Optional) If you go North here you can kill Pyramid Guards to get Baklava Food from them.
    2) Return to the spot where the door closed behind you, if you did the Optional part.
    Now head W, W, W, W, W, S, S, S, S, S, Up.
    3) Head N, N, N, N, N, Up, Up.
    You're now on Level 3 of the Pyramid. Warrior Mages drop Ice Storm Scrolls.
    4)Head N, N, Up.
    You're now on Level 4 of the Pyramid, a.k.a the Sorceress Level.
    Dark Sorceress drops Glittering Annulet(+60 Str +50 Dex +60 Con +73 Wis).
    5)Head E, E, N, N, Up.
    You're now on Level 5 of the Pyramid, a.k.a the Mummy Wizard/High Priestess/Court Magician Level.
    High Priestess drops Shish Kabob, and Mummy Wizards drop Feteer Bel Asaag, both good food.
    6)Now go: N, N, N, N, E, E, E, N, N, N, N, N, Up.
    You're now on Level 6 of the Pyramid, a.k.a the Egyptian God Level.
    Thoth drops Ferrule of Reki Mia (37%)(Mana Weapon)
    Isis drops Aqua Sapphire Ancient Shield(53%)
    Anubis drops Aqua Sapphire Shell Visage(48%)
    Horus drops Aqua Sapphire Scarab Husk(47%)
    7)Head S, S, Up.
    You're now on Level 7, a.k.a Earth Guardian Level.
    Head South, South to find the Earth Guardian.
    You need the Air Crystal Bow to fight him.